Saturday, November 6, 2010

Diamonds...On The Inside!

I went to the gym after meeting with my buddy Dan at Morro Bay's Top Dog Coffee Shop.  When I arrived at the gym -- Tami's rule around the home: I can be bald or fat, but not both -- to work off a bulging mid section, I plugged in the head set to my Black Berry and opened a new application that allows me to listen to whatever my mood dictates...yesterday, I was in a Reggae type of way!

As I began my 40 minute stair-step Cardio Trek, Ben Harper was singing one of his famous songs, "Diamonds on the Inside!"   Love that guy's style...actually, some twelve years ago I was sitting in the airport in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, and this guy was across from me with at least 6 guitars.  I thought to myself at the time: "...hum, this guy must be a famous type Reggae singer..."  Well, when I returned to LAX some 20 hours later, this must be a famous type Reggae singer walked a few feet behind me and yes, my three boys, whom I hadn't seen for three weeks, ran right past me to say hey to Ben Harper - go figure!  My wife's response, "...that's Ben Harper!"  Anyhow (true story...BTW), enough of my grudge holding...

Now, I can't begin give Harper's song the justice it deserves, however, hear me out on how the lyrics and the heart behind the song grabbed my spirit.  You see, when I think of Diamonds, I think of elegance, vibrancy, sparkle, class, rarity, beauty, know, the good stuff. 

As I was arduously working out, I began to reflect on the radical message the song was stating: be elegant at all times, be vibrant for people who need you, be the sparkle that the down and out need on a tough day, live class and be that rare person that cares, be beautiful from the inside out as you broadcast the illumination called Life you've been privy too. 

Truly, if we can take the great things we've been blessed with and get them out of us, say good bye to self-absorption and hello to others, the Diamonds Ben Harper was singing about will begin to come from inside out and impact our friends, our acquaintances, our neighbors, and yes, even our enemies in unprecedented and eternal ways! 

Good lesson Mr. Harper - thanks!  Even if my kids wanted to meet you over hugging me...ha!

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