Monday, October 18, 2010

Remember Jesus!

I'm working with a new phrase, a phrase I'd like to apply and leave with people.  It's this --

Remember Jesus

Check it out: last night I received a text from our youngest, Zachary.  He was informing me that he spent $32 on the Union 76 card...and, that he and a bunch of his buddies just returned from a 22 mile backpacking trip in Yosemite (...a ten hour drive, one way, from his college, homework pending and practice requirements for an upcoming collegiate golf tournament, out of state...hum, guess I'm getting old 'cause I simply don't know how these kids get done what they get done in 24 hours!).  My response was simple: "You're welcome for the gas...Yosemite is one of the most beautiful places on the planet!"  As I was readying my index finger to push the send button - I stopped and thought that I should say something spiritual; after all, he's a senior, 21 - I'm the dad with the right to speak truth into his life...right?  Well, after dismissing the normal father-to-son verses in the Bible, I simply typed: Remember Jesus!  I hit the send button, gave my babe a kiss, said goodnight to my middle son Sean, spooked the three cats with a hiss (just kidding) and went to bed.

When I woke up early this morning, that phrase, Remember Jesus, was all over my mind.  What a cool thought, don't you think?  You see, whatever I'm doing, where ever I am...I can Remember Jesus.  Whether I'm doing fantastic emotionally or in the pits of despair, I can Remember Jesus.  If I'm mowing the lawn, working with a couple during marriage counseling, sitting at a ball game admiring the athleticism of the players, I can Remember Jesus.  This is a great concept, at least it is for me. 

Camp out with me on this for a moment: when was the last time you simply thought of Jesus?  No, not in the conventional way of remembering: in the setting of communion, which is a precious time.  Not even in church, or during your quiet alone time with Him; not even in casual conversation with someone.  Rather, when have you simply kicked back and just thought of Him?  You know, without any requests or pleas for help.  Just thoughts like, "Lord, what are You doing right now?"  Or, "How are you praying for me, specifically-individually-intimately, these days?"  Maybe this thought, "Jesus, what was it like hanging out with Peter?  John?  James?  Judas?"  Or even, "Lord, why do you love me?  Seriously, I can be a pain in the...neck!" 

I don't know about you, but for me - this seems to be revolutionary...just the remembrance of a God who loves me, in spite of me; wow, music to my heart of hearts.  Folks...Remember Jesus - its a worthy experience!  See ya...

1 comment:

  1. Great way to start the day....I will be "ponder"ing and remembering my Jesus. Thanks
