Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Tyranny of the Urgent

It's a sad day when my schedule is so packed that I have to get my daily Bible reading in at the gym; God should be more important to me than to be reduced to a StairStep machine and an app on my Blackberry at Morro Bay's finest workout facility...seriously!  So many times we get caught up in the moment we forget about what's really important (at least that seems to characterize my day from time to time).  I think you know what I'm talking about - the early morning meeting, the responsibilities at home, the bills, the afternoon commitments...oh, where does all our time go?  I heard a famous Bible Teacher once say, "Don't allow they tyranny of the urgent to preempt the important!"  In other words, don't get so stinking caught up in getting things done that you don't stop and smell...that rose called relationship!  A buddy of mine once told me that focus = power and the things I focus on have power over my me (...a paraphrase from Matthew 6:21)!  If I focus on the 'ToDo' list and literally blitz through my day, well, I'm going to miss out.  If I purpose to take time out and kick back, from time to time, then I will begin to rest in that mode of relationship that God intends for me.  This picture is so typical of a stressed out person; I love it.  The sad thing, I submit, is this is what we look like when we're so focused on getting things done.  Rather, let's take the example of Jesus & as the scriptures say, "...often He withdrew to be alone and pray!"  You know, if the King felt it necessary to take time away to recharge, how much more do we, I, need to! 


  1. I've learned to slow down and spend time with the Lord and his word. The more time I spend with him everything gets done in my day. It's amazing how that works.

  2. needed to be reminded of this ~ thanks Pastor!

  3. I just finished reading Henri Nowen's short pithy booklet "The Way of the Heart" written for those in ministry. He reviews Solitude, Silence, and Prayer.

    Nowen writes, "Without solitude we remain victims of our society and continue to be entangled in the illusions of the false self."

    He quotes Mother Teresa as saying, "Spend one hours a day in adoration of our Lord and never do anything that you know to be wrong and you will be all right."

    There were so many quotable parts in this book, needless to say, I am invigorated!

    Nowen's 3 aspects of silence:
    1. Silence makes us pilgrims.
    2. Silence guards the fire within.
    3. Silence teaches us to speak.

    On this pilgrimage together,
