Monday, September 13, 2010

My Staff - Amazing!

Check out our Worship Leader Gary Lyons and his two sermons at Gary is doing fantastic, his growth as a Worship Leader is a blessing; his sermons are really awesome too (...many RHites tell me I'd better be careful, he's really good...)!

If you have time, check out our Children's Director Brandie and enjoy her heart through her blog at Brandie's heart for Jesus and her passion for purity is second to none. Brandie has been on staff over two years and many, many kids have come to know the Lord through her ministry!

Our accountant, Danielle - dude, amazingly precious to us at Rock Harbor. She has not only cleaned up our books, she has put us on a track of fiduciary respectability that is most impressive! Seriously, her insight and practical wisdom has been such an encouragement to an old guy like me.

Our office manager: no question the best looking gal on the planet - yes, Tami's my wife. Tami's heart for people and her way about her is so attractive that she truly emulates Jesus in the front office. TP also keeps us guys in check with her purity for the Word and practical approach to living!

All of staff bio's are at under the leadership section. Oh, bye the way, you can meet my Leadership Board - greatest group of leaders I've had the honor of working with...

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