Monday, September 13, 2010

The Power of Velcro

Tami and I have a new phrase in our marriage relationship; simply, it's Velcro (...we borrowed this from Ron and Miss Debbie...).  The idea behind Velcro, in the marriage relationship, is a bonding that links together two to create one.  We just returned from a week long trip to Wisconsin & were blessed to be resourced in our ministry as husband and wife; and, just yesterday, I had the privilege to teach on Husband and Wife at our church.  All to say, when I think of the physical properties of Velcro, I'm reminded of a statement from Moses that said "...and the two shall become one!"  This is the great mystery, the great miracle - if you will!  Namely, God taking two totally different people, with distinct personalities, gifting and temperaments...and making them one: just like Velcro.  Allow me one more thought, its the idea of clinging.  Let me introduce you quickly to our cat, Rafiki ( Swahili: the friend!).  Rafiki needs serious therapy...he's clingy, he's needy, he's high maintenance - and, wherever Tami goes in the house, Rafiki must be touching her.  Check out this picture of Tami getting some shut eye the other day and notice how Rafiki molds his body to hers:
Notice his look, "...Randy, whether you like it or not, I'm going to nap on Tami's hip; please leave us alone, we're resting!"  All joking aside, along the lines of Velcro, I believe, in the marriage relationship, there's a necessity to cling to one another, to lean on one another, to totally give ourselves to one another so that this oneness, this Velcro, will solidify, bond and interlock more and more over time...all for the purpose of our interdependence upon one another for the unity of our marriage as we depend upon the Creator of this union for our very existence in our marriage.  Wow...that's a lot of words; I know!  Let me suffice to say, marriage is without a doubt the greatest blessing I've experienced, next to my salvation, in my stay on this earth.  My hope and prayer is for marriages to experience Velcro, a oneness that simply will not be tore apart. 
"Father, do what You do best and save the marriages that struggle and are broken.  Lord, heal them for Your glory and their blessing; thank You God for this wonderful institution called marriage that You've created!"

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