Friday, July 13, 2012

Rejoicing with all of heaven...

I've been hanging around church work now for over twenty years and to be perfectly candid, rarely does one have the honor to lead someone to Jesus, have the blessing of baptizing them and then, the privilege to pray with them as they take their last breath on this earth.  Well, I received a call this morning from some dear friends, Bud and Nancy Willis, at 3:53am.  Pastor Bud and Nancy informed me that our mutual friend, Don, breathed his last breath and entered eternity just minutes before the call.  Don Seaquist is a precious man, to say the least.  Don's wife passed away about a year ago and he felt an urge to attend Pastor Bud and Nancy's church in Los Osos (Morro Shores Little Church is an outreach of Rock Harbor).  Over a period of months, Don began to consider the claims of Christ.  After much reading, inquiry and questions, Don asked Bud to pray with him to receive Jesus as his Savior.  Needless to say, all of heaven rejoiced and yes, Pastor Bud and Nancy were dancing on the proverbial cloud 9!  A month or so after that, Pastor Bud had the total blessing of baptizing Don in his living room as Tami and I, along with Nancy watched with tears rolling down our face.  Well, Don's health has been failing for quite a while now and today, Jesus called him home.  And, yes, Pastor Bud was the one God ordained to be with Don on this side of eternity as he entered heaven!  As I write this in my office, tears of joy are blurring my vision - tears of excitement for Don because he is with Jesus and tears of admiration for my pal, Pastor Bud, as he was the conduit to deliver God's grace into Don's life! 

Please say a prayer for Bud and Nancy & all of Morro Shores - there's a good mourning going on over there this morning!  And, please pray for Don's family too.


  1. praying for you all! Praise God for Bud. Encoraged to hear someone "older" accepting Christ. Gives me hope that my dad (84)will hear the call on his heart. Be Blessed!

    donna mullin

    1. Thanks Donna, say hello to Sean and the kiddo's!

  2. Don was my biological grandfather. I had a heavy heart that a "blood" family memmber was not able to be with Don during his passing but after reading this, my heart rejoices for such wonderful people as Bud and Nancy who are truly Don's "family"
    Thank you to all for your kind words and prayers
