Saturday, February 12, 2011

Police Work and Love -- It Works!

On Fridays, I hang out with my buddy Richard and we travel together roaming the streets of Morro Bay.  Officer Hannibal's role: provide safety, ensure peace and remove the bad elements from our city.  My role: laugh, enjoy and when asked, provide Chaplain assistance.  When I began this journey called Chaplaincy a year & a half ago, I had no idea that Friday's would become one of my most cherished days of the week; not only do I get to converse with a deep thinking mind like Richards, I am involved first hand with hurting, broken and struggling people.  Just these past three Fridays were so touching --
  • A few weeks ago, Officer Hannibal diligently spotted a guy that walked, looked and acted suspicious (to a guy like me, he seemed normal; however, with 30 plus years of Police work, Richard has this knack for knowing what's up...).  Well, this guy was a PAL (Parolee at Large) and needed to be arrested.  His girl friend was in their home called an old car and was weeping.  My compassionate partner called me over and asked me to assist.  Long story short: my church was able to provide a tank of gas, my secretary (Tami - my wife...) met with her at the fellowship to bless her with two bags of food & we sent her to a great homeless shelter in San Luis Obispo to provide shelter.  Now, the cool part was her comment as we left the scene, " know, maybe this is good because I've known for a long time that I need to get back to church..."  Now, Richard didn't have to call me over to help the hurting; however, he did and MBPD once again shines as a department that cares!
  • Last Friday, we were involved in a situation that needed Police intervention: a person under the influence with young children.  Well, this call was started with a citizen complaint regarding stolen property which led to an arrest.  As the police were working and gathering material, CPS was requested, pictures were taken of property, etc., Richard asked me to speak with the broken person.  Long story short: we talked and the person in question shared that church was in order and a clean life needed to follow.  I was able to encourage the person, say a quick prayer and say, "...I believe in you; you must believe in the God who loves you and have enough love to respect yourself to health..."  Again, MBPD's Hannibal represented the department's underlining motto oh so well: provide safety for the community and, provide care & resources for those who need it.
  •, I met a lady who is very, very ill - a friend of Richard's and of Morro Bay.  We got out of the squad car and walked up to her home.  Richard knocked on the door and the sweet lady came out and literally, and I'm not exaggerating, melted in his arms for a hug of desperation, friendship and, an embrace that seemed to last for minutes.  Tears rolled down her cheeks as she shared that her life was in jeopardy due her cancer.  She stated her protein intake and food consumption was really low due to finances.  Well, Richard introduced me to her - and long story short: Rock Harbor will be providing the much needed food and nutrician to my new friend, and...she was touched with a tangible display of love, all initiated by a Police Officer!
Well, I know this note is long - but I assure you, when Police Work and Love work together, this community is not only safe, the City of Morro Bay is truly a great place to live.  Oh, by the way, Richard was recently honored as Morro Bay's Citizen of the Year!  Kind of makes sense, hah?


  1. Randy, so glad you are a police chaplain now as well. I have been doing that for a while and an full time with the city of Johns Creek as victim advocate and police/fire chaplain, with an office at City Hall. It's like pastoring a whole city! Loving it!

  2. Randy, it is such a blessing that your "jobs" get to bless so many, and I am blessed that I am part of body that loves real right here in our ocmmunity!

    And yes, Richard ROCKS, he deserved that award!

  3. Sounds like a great guy. I'd love to meet him. I'm so impressed with your ability to know what to do in situations like these. I wish I was better at that kind of thing!
