Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Ladybug In Need!

I don't know about you, but I've always loved Ladybugs; there's just something about them that grabs my heart.  Even as a young guy, many moons ago, I would protect, champion and admire the Ladybugs that called our house in Huntington Beach their home.

The other day, Tami and I were on one of our evening beach walks here in Morro Bay - Tami intently looking at the sand in search of sea glass...and me, well, I was roaming around causing my usual ruckus and distractions to the focused collector (you know...throwing little shells, pieces of sand dollars, drift wood, etc., in her path of discovery!).  As I cruised around, I came up on a pool of salt water that the previous high-tide left in a pocket of sand and rocks.  As I took a closer look, I noticed this single ladybug struggling in the middle of the salt water, trying with all its might to simply survive (, granted - I have no idea if ladybugs can survive in fresh water, let alone salt water; one thing for sure though, this ladybug was clearly in trouble).  I stepped into the water and with my hand made a cup and rescued the beautiful ladybug.  Okay, I know you think I'm weird, I grant you that...but stay with me for a moment (...I won't even kill the ants that surround my backpacking trips in the High Sierra's...), there's a story brewing in my heart. 

The little ladybug began to crawl up my hand, down my index finger, up my arm to eventually take off and fly to who knows where - part of me felt really good...hey, I saved a ladybug...again!  Now, as I began to reflect on this seemingly insignificant event, my mind took me to a place that I am passionate about; namely, coming alongside the broken, those who struggle in this life simply to stay alive.  Here's what I'm working with: all of us have those in our life who are broken, addicted to alcohol, drugs, negativity, depression, self-absorption, poor self name it, its there.  They are likened unto this ladybug a few nights ago that needed a helping hand.  Notice: I didn't tell the ladybug it was stupid for putting itself in that predicament; I didn't lecture to the ladybug on its cycle of poor choices; I didn't preach out of the ladybug bible and chastise the little critter; nor did I try to fix it.  Rather, I simply allowed the ladybug the opportunity to win by simply being there.  Now, yes, I did pick up the cutie, however, once I came alongside it, the insect did the rest.  In other words, the ladybug saw an opportunity to win and it took it.

Likewise, we as people, as followers of the Way, have a distinct privilege to not preach at, to stay away from protesting too and trying to fix 'em - but rather, simply being there and showing acts of love, care and compassion bathed in belief that those in crises can and will win.  I'm reminded of the former fisherman turned follower who wrote some 2,000 years ago, "...let us love not in word or tongue, but in deed and truth!"  Or, in our language, "...let your life and actions for others speak the language of Love!" 

All to say, I learned a great lesson the other day from a ladybug!  And, the next time you see a ladybug hurting, remember: there's folks around you that need you and you may be the very one put in their path to help them win!


  1. Hey Randy,
    Not sure if you remember me off the top of your head, but HEY, IT'S ME, MICKY from Camp! :D
    I thought that would help you remember. Anyway, I am enjoying your blog and became a follower. It's great to read about your transperancy. Check my blog out one of these days. There are pictures of my 3 amazing kids. They are pretty awesome.
    Blessings to you,

  2. right after my heart.... I love reading of other like minded folks... even if we all share one quality... we are crazy!

  3. I'm weird like this too Randy. I open doors and windows and shoo flies out rather than kill them. Many people think I'm completely loony and they're probably right! There are so many hurting souls in this world that just need a little hand up! Many, many opportunities to bless others!
