Saturday, August 21, 2010

Taste and See...

Tami and I just returned from a Saturday afternoon drive. Yes, the weather is epic - 70 degrees, sunny and a slight on-shore breeze; we just love living on the Central Coast, so amazingly beautiful. Well, back to my thought, we were looking for a special hanging plant for our walk way at our house at the local nursery when we came across a young couple standing next to a sign that boldly stated, "Fresh Strawberries!" We abruptly stopped and bought six baskets of the most luscious, tasty and sweetest strawberries we come across in a long time. You know the gig; in fact, your mouth is probably watering right now as you look at what my wife Tami calls, "God's candy!" ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS, no question about it.

As we chowed down most of the fruit, a verse came to my mind from the Old Testament in the Bible. Have you heard of it before? It's in Psalm 34:8 and it says, "Taste and see, for the Lord is good..." Here's the connection: when we as people, God's creation in His image, when we live life as He intended it to be lived - in constant communion and fellowship with Him - then we taste, Spiritually, and discover that He indeed is oh so GOOD. Whether life finds us on the top of the mountain and all is good; or, if we find ourselves in the valley of despair, we can still go to that place called relationship and experience the precious quieting love of a Savior madly in love with us.

In short, the next time you bite into a strawberry and enjoy the delicacies of this great fruit, allow your heart to venture a bit and Taste and See, Spiritually, that He is good! Seriously, your life will never be the same...have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE these "ponderings", thanks for sharing!! I NEEDED this reminder today...think I will go and enjoy some of "God's candy" and ponder this truth for myself ♥
