Friday, August 27, 2010

A Culture in Conflict

It's early again, Friday morning - my day of rest.  I'm sitting in my living room, sipping on a hot cup of coffee and watching the news.  It is interesting to me, somewhat puzzling, and all together grievous, that the tendency of the American culture to change opinion so rapidly and predictably is not only alarming, but equally saddening.  What am I referring too?  The tide of change in the acceptance of same sex marriage (Please hear my heart: I'm not against those who struggle or even are involved in same sex relationships; I love them and desire to be a conduit to help assist them into healthy, sexual Biblical relationships - confined to the marriage bed, between man & woman.).  A statistic just came across CNN that in 2004, the American culture was 52% against same sex marriage and 46% for this lifestyle.  In just 6 six years, the American culture now views the marriage bed as not only between man and woman, but now same sex is also embraced by the majority as a viable, acceptable lifestyle.  Further, not only has our former Vice President Mr. Cheney vocalized his support of this agenda, President Bush's wife has recently come public with her support gay marriage and President Bush's former campaign manager just came out of the proverbial closet. may be asking? What's the big deal?  Isn't that what culture is suppose to do?  Seriously, let's just love and accept one another for the common good of humanity, right? 

Well...not really.  As a proponent of the Absolute Authority of Scripture, I cannot and will not placate or acquiesce to a cultural degradation.  You see, my father always told us the Word of God is to dictate culture, not the other way around: culture dictating the word of god.  As I review and meditate upon the prophetic Scripture, I am reminded that as in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of Man returns.  Yes, the Bible promised and predicted that these things would come to pass - we shouldn't be caught by surprise.  I guess what I'm trying to say, as I simply journal my thoughts here, is this should be a wake up call and a spring board to be all the more cognisant of the days in which we live and, all the more ready to love a culture in conflict.  Just the other day I met with a young man struggling with these very issues.  What an honor it was for me to hang out with this bold young man who desired Biblical help.  I thank the Lord for ministries like Exodus International that are actively loving this sub culture to the saving knowledge of a caring and compassionate God. 

Last thought: yes, I'm totally am against the agenda of the same sex world; however, I am not against the people.  In fact, we have a motto around our home and a motto at our fellowship: we will never condemn anyone to isolation, rather, we will love them to health.  And, if that means a long, arduous process - we're in!

Take it easy...

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