Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lessons from Sea Otters

My chores yesterday were simple: prepare my message for Sunday, return four phone calls, respond to my numerous emails, finish the details for our new web page, fill the baptismal at church for our summer baptism, clean the house for my wife, spend alone time with God, go for a bike ride and BBQ hamburgers for dinner. Once this was completed...the evening walk on the beach with my Tami was in order. After the long drive to the beach - 3 minutes from our house - we began our journey on the beautiful Central Coast. As we were walking, picking up shells & sea glass, we noticed three little Sea Otters simply hanging out, eating a fish here or there and just enjoying. As we watched these precious sea creatures living life, we simultaneously said, "...we are so fortunate to live here; wow, what a blessing!" A day doesn't go by that I thank God for the life He's given us, not only from our Spiritual standing before Him (thank You Jesus!), but also the location we're called to serve and exist in. Sometimes I feel "...why me?" Perfect weather, the sound & smell of the ocean from our deck at our house, the peak-a-boo view we have of Morro's Rock and the water from our bedroom - wow, it doesn't get much better than this! As we reflected on the Sea Otters, not only were we reminded that life doesn't have to be so difficult and busy with noise and commitments - we were created to step back and truly enjoy Him! Allow me to borrow from the Sea Otter in the above picture: we are privileged to relax on the water called life and bask in the wondrous glory of His ocean of Love - no stress, no worries, no issues...just Him. Further, I couldn't find a hint of anxiety in the Sea Otters, not even an ounce. They simply were living life as life was intended to be lived: in relationship with their existence. Likewise, as the late Ray Stedman once said, "Life was intended to be lived in 100% dependence upon a God that wants to be in intimate, constant relationship with us!" When we exist in that union with Him, we too can and will live - live in the security, confidence and amazing comfort of God's life for us. So, the next time you, I, see a Sea Otter hanging out, let's ask ourselves, "...are we hanging out with God and living life as He intends it to be lived?"

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