Monday, September 22, 2014

For the one

We have a saying around the fellowship that goes like this, “…for the one!” It is our conviction that every person that walks through our doors is a specially invited guest of God and we’d better treat them as such. We believe that every person is loved by our Maker and every person is worthy of our time, care and love. Our belief is that behind every person is a redemptive story in the works; a poem that is being written in the heavens to ascribe meaning and purpose to all of creation. Further, we are passionate that church isn’t something we do; rather, it should be who we are. It is our heart that our faith can’t be reduced to a weekly event, but should flow out of a heart warmed over by God’s love and should be evident in everything we do.

I became a Chaplain with the MBPD in November of 2009; it’s hard to believe it’s been almost 5 years.  I have thoroughly enjoyed the times I’ve been called upon to lend a helping hand, to provide a word of counsel, to cry with a family member when they’ve been informed their loved one has passed. The greatest joy I receive is when someone I’ve been called upon to help takes the necessary steps to change. When someone embraces the advice I give and incorporates that into a lifestyle of purpose, there’s joy beyond words.

Roughly four years ago, retired cop & good friend of mine Richard Hannibal and I began an outreach. We determined to feed the homeless in Morro Bay every Friday with the hopes that perhaps one, maybe two could break the cycle of brokenness and begin a productive life saturated with fulfillment. This weekly gesture grew into two, three nights a week and eventually produced a Saturday morning fed at our church that serves over 200 every week.

Well, there was one young lady that caught our eye on those Friday’s; you might say Richard and I had a soft spot in our heart for her. She was polite, kind and caring. To see her week after week in a state of brokenness truly hurt our heart. For the life of Richard and I, we had great consternation on the why she stayed in her relationship.  She was beaten, bruised, treated as dirt and considered an object by her “friend.” Every Friday for over three years, this young lady was high on crystal meth, alcohol or some mood altering substance. At first glance, one would deduct she was hopeless. However, week after week, we would hug her, tell her she had value and treat her as a worthy recipient of grace. We often drove off in Richard’s squad car on Friday’s shaking our head in dismay.

Well, as life has a way of moving forward, with Richard’s retirement and my increasing responsibilities, we lost contact with this hurting soul.  In all of our efforts, we’ve often discussed if we could have helped one, it would have been worth the effort and cause.  Well… I’m blessed to write that this young lady, who will remain nameless, said hi to me the other day in the store. In fact, she was in her right mind, totally sober and has been clean for over a year. A feeling of “wow” gripped my spirit and emotions of “right on” began to flood my heart. She went on to explain to me that she had left that unhealthy relationship and lifestyle that was literally killing her and she was now pursuing a life of meaning.

“…for the one” continues to be a driving force of my life and the life of the church I serve. You just never know the life you’ll touch, the soul you’ll impact or the future you’ll alter. I think it’s a good thing to look at others as invited guests of our Maker and maybe you, that’s right you, may be the one to help that individual become the person they are suppose to become because you’ve embraced a lifestyle of “…for the one!”

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