Thursday, September 19, 2013

Pushing the "pause button"

As a Chaplain for the MBPD, as a Pastor at a local church in Morro Bay, I've learned that there are times when I need to chill, kick back and escape from the issues that comes with my line of work.  Recently,  I was privileged to push the "pause button" and get away for some guy time with some close buddies.  A group of us spent 41/2 days trekking through the Eastern & Western Sierras, securing 51.5 total miles.  We battled elevation changes that boasted of minimal oxygen, we climbed up sharp granite peaks & descended steep ravines that invited injury, we journeyed in and out of picturesque streams with 55 pounds strapped to our backs all the while our aging bodies continually asked, "Why?"

I love the mountains.  I love backpacking.  I love the outdoors.  Always have, always will.  From Lake Ruby to Lake Italy, from the 256 switch backs just outside the 2nd recess to the gorgeous green meadows that part of the world affords, something magical happens to my inner man when I push the "pause button" - this excursion was no different.

One of the "pause button" moments for me was the reminder that intelligent design was behind this mass of beauty.  You know, I confess I'm not the sharpest pencil in the pack, nor do I pontificate my clever brain power.  However, I do know that He created this place we call earth as a gift of His magnanimous heart for my, your, our enjoyment.  There's an ancient document that was written to a group of people in Rome that encouraged them to give the Creator the affections of their gratitude.  I was constantly reminded of His gift to me and many a time a tear would well up in my eye - a tear of awe, a tear of appreciation.

Another "pause button" was during our most difficult day.  We had to blaze our own trail for roughly 15 miles since we were so far in the back country.  We were facing an elevation climb of over 500 feet and our only option was to climb over boulders and through willow trees as we navigated next to a busy stream.  As I was struggling to muster up the courage to climb (not that I had a choice) I quickly began to thank my Maker that I was even able to do this.  Seriously, the smell of the air was pristine, the mist from the stream refreshing and the noise from the light breeze tickling the leaves was music to my ears.  This "pause button" reminded to be thankful, grateful for my health and the fact that I am even able to backpack.

One of my favorite "pause button" moments was the morning of September 7.  I purposely exited my tent at 4am, boiled my water for my Starbucks Via and walked down to the shore of Lake Honeymoon.  It was there that I sat on a rock and was reminded of the phrase the Psalmist penned some 3,000 years ago, "Be still and know that I am God!"  Wow, it was one of those moments I will hold dear for the rest of my life.  It was as if the world had stopped and my Creator was sitting right next to me, sipping on His heavenly coffee, readied and positioned to have a time with little 'old me.  Amazing - words can't describe the spiritual intimacy afforded to me that brisk morning!

Well, pushing a "pause button" is something we all must do from time to time to simply chill, relax and clear our mind.  I love it when I take the time to push the "pause button" and every time I do, I am able to look up and say thanks!


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