Wednesday, April 18, 2012

I'm not okay with that

I need of a week off once a quarter to maintain my sanity and effectiveness as a person, else I become the proverbial jerk!  Seriously, as a Pastor and as a Chaplain, I daily encounter some of the most difficult challenges life can offer & a debrief brings the much needed break... well, this is one of those weeks and yes, I'm hanging out vacationing.  Originally, I was heading south with a 15' Force 5 sailboat with a destination of San Diego.  My thought was I would coach my pole vaulters at the prestigious Russell Cup track and field meet in Santa Barbara on Saturday, then head south to hang with two of my sons and come home the following Thursday.  When I shared my intentions with my gal, well... you know how that went: I was quickly reminded I committed to build that fence at our home, finish that project I started a year ago and, detail her car... so, I'm here on the coast, feverishly working through my honey do list.

It was two days ago, Monday, the second day of my debrief, that I chose to run 6 or so miles along the bluff between Cayucos and Cambria (no question: one of the most picturesque spots on the planet).  As I began my run, with my I-Pod and ear phones in place, a song from Need to Breathe figuratively grabbed my heart.  The song is called "Stones Under Rushing Waters" and the lyrics go like this:

Why don't we dance anymore
I'm not okay with that
Why don't we laugh anymore
I'm not okay with that

The years go by like stones under rushing waters
We only know, we only know when its gone
Yeah, the years go by like stones under rushing waters
We only know, we only know when its gone

Why don't we smile anymore
I'm not okay with that
Why don't we dance anymore
I'm not okay with that

As I was running, not paying attention, I tripped in a hole and pulled my left gastrocnemius (that's a calf muscle) and initially displayed signs of frustration (I'm thinking about competing in a 5K run in Wisconsin next month - a pulled gastrocnemius will eliminate my dreams of gold...).  However, as this song's message rang in my ears, I quickly reassessed and began to take inventory.  Seriously, I wasn't dancing emotionally, I wasn't laughing literally, and I definitely wasn't smiling overtly - not because of the pain in my leg, but honestly, from simply existing in my busy world.  As I reflect on the lyrics of this song, I'm realizing that we're all caught up in life such that we don't take the time to dance, laugh or smile.  Further, we're plagued by a cultural expectation that you, I, we must get this done, we must get that done, and that a busy life is a successful life (yes, even the honey do list can be viewed as an assignment verses a tangible way to express my love and appreciation for my dream named Tami!).

Also, the metaphor in the song aptly communicates the Central Coast's salty water rushing over the stones day in and day out; and, yes, they will continue to do so for who knows how long.  The issue isn't that the water will do its thing, the issue is life can be so demanding that the beauty she offers will be missed and we will only know that truth when its all too late.  At the church I serve at, we encourage our family to be and not do.  In other words, don't do Christianity, be Christianity; don't do Church, be Church.  We often remind ourselves that our doing solely flows from our being.  And, in our perspective, that being comes from a personal relationship with our Creator.

Hence, today I'm going to choose to dance (Tami and I are actually learning Salsa Dancing at Cal Poly on Friday nights...), I'm going to choose to laugh and yes, I'm going to choose to smile - often.  My encouragement to you is the same: find a place to dance, its water for the emotions.  Find an occasion to laugh, its freeing for the soul.  And, find a time to smile, its relief for the spirit. 

I often frequent a poem my published poet of a wife wrote years ago; in part, it goes like this:
"...There is this Man whom I have meet,
The most incredible Person I've encountered yet!
He provides me with strength and love beyond any brim,
And is always, always there whenever I need Him!
Every spring He generously brings me flowers,
Let's me enjoy new life and gentle rain showers.
The idea that His heart aches when I am in pain
Truly humbles me and boggles my brain.
The fact that He even cares for me is hard to believe,
And His unconditional love is simply too tough to conceive..."

The Man, of course, is Jesus; and, He created life to be enjoyed.  Additional, He, I submit, created life that is a dance; He, I'm convinced, created life intended for laughter; and He, I just know it, created life with a smile.  Folks, its spring time - flowers are abundant, the hills are green, showers have visited us off and on these past few weeks - today: dance, laugh and smile, you'll be so glad you did!  And, as you do, look up to your Creator and say thanks - He's blessed you with so much.  Last, let's together not be okay with that: the lack of dancing, the lack of laughter and the lack of smiles; may we collectively add to our lives these tangible reminders that life is to be lived!